mardi 18 septembre 2012

Drawing For Dummies

Drawing For
Drawing For Dummies
Brenda Hoddinott (Auteur), Jamie Combs (Auteur)

Download : EUR 11,54
6 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 10,99

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Description du produit

Drawing is a skill that you can take with you anywhere--and it lasts a lifetime! Drawing For Dummies tells you how to render anything that catches your eye, including your family and friends, nature, and cityscapes. Brenda Hoddinott, a self-taught artist, shares her decades of drawing experience through step-by-step instructions online drawing, perspective, and shading, among other techniques. She also provides scores of helpful drawings that show how you can turn your vision into reality.
Brenda Hoddinott (Nova Scotia, Canada) is a visual artist, graphic designer, portraitist, forensic artist, (in conjunction with Canada's Royal Mounted Police), and professional illustrator. Ms. Hoddinott is a teacher of both adult art education and pre-school art classes. In 1998, Brenda established Hoddinott Fine Art, an art publishing company. In September 2000, Brenda launched her second Web site, "Fine Art Education," which offers free downloadable and printable drawing classes featuring Brenda's unique style of drawing. Students of all ages, levels and abilities have praised the simple step-by-step instructional approach. She is the recipient of over twenty prestigious awards from both provincial and regional art competitions.

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